OBSERVAL – European observatory of validation of non-formal and informal learning
OBSERVAL was a three-year project (2007-2010) that aimed to create an online platform and database – the European Observatory. This resource website has been regularly updated, providing easy access to all materials and resources produced on the validation of non-formal and informal learning in European countries. Moreover, OBSERVAL has developed a strong network of experts dealing with the practice of recognising non-formal and informal learning. The consortium, coordinated by EUCEN, bestowed great care on involving partners outside higher education from all sectors. The consortium consisted of 27 partner institutions, with representatives coming from 21 European Member States and 3 EFTA countries, covering all educational sectors (HE, VET, AE, 3rd sector) with close links to approximately 250 validation experts through the National Working Groups.
Learn more: www.observal.org