Anna Aluffi Pentini studied Pedagogy and Psychology, German, French. She teaches Intercultural and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Education of the Roma Tre University and since 1999 at the University of Bolzano. She has conducted research projects in social and pedagogical areas, lately with migrant infants and families and with cultural mediators and research about biographies of migrant people. Founder of various social projects with immigrant women and children in Rome, she is interested in relating theory and practice in the training of professionals and in the cooperation between different type of professionals in teams. Her major publications deal with contemporary issues in intercultural antiracist pedagogy, intercultural mediation, disability, and action research. In October 2011 she received the german Mittner Prize in Pedagogy.
Paolo Di Rienzo is researcher of Pedagogy and professor of Adult Education, he is a member of the Research and Service Centre for Bilan des Competences. His recent research interests include the student informal experience in higher education and the adult participation in the lifelong learning education. He has also been involved in a number of project funded by the EU LLP and the Ministry of University, including: methods and tools for evaluating education; recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning of adult re-entering at university, in a lifelong perspective.
Emanuela Proietti is a university consultant and she works with private companies. She is a Ph.D. student right now (Theory and Research in Education and Social Sciences). She provides planning and implementation of vocational training courses, of research and guidance projects, funded by the EU and by national government agencies. She is researcher on methods and tools for lifelong learning: e-learning; guidance; recognition, validation and certification of prior learning. She collaborates with the Department of Education with the adult education and lifelong learning teaching; she has been tutor in the recognition, validation and certification of prior learning procedures during last four years.
Fabio Olivieri is professional counsellor and specialist in biographical research especially in the domain of emigrants. He works as didactical assistant by the chair of Social Education (prof. Anna Aluffi Pentini) at the Department of Education (University Roma Tre) and is an active member of the Association of Italian educators in Italy. In his research activity about training and counselling of families and professionals, the issues of self reflexion and building competences are central in perspective of LLL.
Giorgia Rossani is PhD student in the field of Pedagogy and Social Services (University of Roma Tre) from 1/1/2013 until 31/12/2015 following a research in transcultural competences of migrant woman; Researcher and expert in Forward Project “Competence portfolio and pedagogical tools to identify, recognize, validate and improve the competences acquired by migrant women in formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts”. Expert and teaching assistant since 2012 in the field of the Laboratory, in Methods and Techniques in Career Guidance for Adults.
Rachele Serino: she get University Degree in Sociology at the State University of Rome. She is a researcher, counsellor of Bilan de Competences and expert in guidance, outplacement and human resources. Since 2002 she trained at the French method of the “Bilan de Competences” and begins her work as a consultant in various context. She also has worked in design and training to teams of public and private organisations, as well as to coordinate various methodological experimentation. Rachele’s recent publications on these topics include: Serino R., “Lo stato liquido delle competenze”, in P. Serreri (a cura di), PERSeO.“Personalizzare e Orientare. Il bilancio di competenze per l’occupabilità nel Lazio”,Milano,Franco Angeli,2010.
Paolino Serreri: deals from over 20 years with continuing education and competences approaches in adult career guidance and training. For more than 5 years deals more specifically with recognition of experiential learning and lifelong learning at “Roma Tre” University. Also deals with certification of competences. He performs these activities in CRES BdC (Research and Service Centre on Bilan de Competence),in which he also teaches BdC from 12 years. At the same University he taught personalization of continuing education. He also taught adult education at the University of Bolzano. He was part of the research teams inside several national and international projects, concerning recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning. He is the author of over 35 publications on these topics.
Adele L’Imperio: psychologist, has been working for over 25 years in research in psychosocial issues and in continuing education and competences approaches in adult career guidance and training. Adele conducts her activities in collaboration with several public and private main institutions. Since 2000 she collaborates with the CRES Bdc. She is Professor of “Bilan de Compétences” in the Faculty of Science of Education at the “Roma Tre” Univ. and within the curriculum of Masters’ courses for “Adult career guidance and BdC”.Adele’s most recent publications on these topics include: L’Imperio A., Serreri P., “Il Bilancio di competenze nella formazione sindacale.“Considerazioni a margine di un’esperienza”, in A. Alberici, P. Di Rienzo (a cura di),“Riconoscere le competenze informali. Il caso della formazione sindacale Slp Cisl”, Roma, Ed. Lavoro,2013.
Tiziana Amori: she get University Degree in Sociology at the State University of Rome. She is a “Bilan de Competences” counsellor, and she has carried out several BdC aimed at individuals. She has worked in design and training to operators of employment centers, trainers,etc.. She is professor of Sociology and Medical Humanities at the “Tor Vergata” Univ. and she is honorary fellow in the field of Sociology at the Educational Sciences Department of “Roma Tre” Univ.
Valentina Tomaselli: after getting a University Degree in Economics at the State University of Catania, she achieved a Master in HR Management. She has over 10 years of experience in consulting and coaching in business planning and start-up. She realizes interventions of management training on team building, leadership,negotiation and problem solving.
Luana Pesaola: she get University Degree in Foreign language and literature.Expert of transnational partnership and nets in EU projects in the field of guidance and labour market (Equal,Leonardo,Socrates,etc).
Sandro Gobetti: communication reference for many association,computer and social web expert, he has a long experience in the development of ICT products.
Roberto Latella, born in 1968 graduated in Sociology in State University “La Sapienza” Rome in the 1993, Social Worker in the within of the adolescence, twenty-year experience as expert trainer in the field of the relation of aid, of welfare systems and the organization of the services to the person, supervisor of social and educational services, counsellor, councilman budgetary of competences and expert in the methodology of the “trees of the knowledge”, president of the association.
Franco Violante: born in 1968, he get University Degree in Sociology at the State University of Naples with a thesis concerning application of competence analysis model. From then to today, he worked in third sector and no profit companies as consultant, quality manager, project coordinator, evaluator and trainer, always in contexts concerning social work and skill/competeces related to it.
Massimo Taddia: born in 1959, graduated in Sociology in 1986 at the State University of Bologna, expert in the “road job” (young, drug addicted) and social network job and analysis, consultants and supervisor of social and educational services, expert trainer in social field, and the planning of social services
Raffaella Codini: born in 1968, degree in professional education and degree in Sociology, social planning area, at Università La Sapienza of Rome. She operated as social worker in services for minors and youth: family center, street units, aggregation centres. Over the years she was focused on planning, evaluation of European Social Found projects, evaluation and self-evaluation of services, empowerment strategies, as a trainer and consultant cooperating with both private and public.
Maria Luisa Randi: born in 1969, she get University Degree in Economics at the University of Naples “Parthenope”. She works since 1998 in social organisations. She is a European project manager, expert in accountant’s report and administration.