Publication: an handbook with the main tools for training November 20, 2016 Share this:TwitterFacebook
WhatCanYOUthworkDoForNEET April 2, 2016 Click on the Headline WhatCanYOUthworkDoForNEET to see the video. Share this:TwitterFacebook
A Generation on the move December 29, 2015 Launched by a group of European data journalists, the Generation E project collects the stories of thousands of young Southern Europeans who left their… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Press Release in running in national languages October 22, 2015 Read the Press Release in spanish Puedes leer el comunicado de prensa en castellano Spanish Press Release Share this:TwitterFacebook
Youth Guarantee in Portugal October 1, 2015 The main messages about Youth Guarantee: employment, education and vocational training. The media campaign is calling for contacts, in Job Centers, to establish links… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Aprenticeships: good for youth, good for business September 19, 2015 CLICK ON THE YOUTUBE LINK TO ACCESS VIDEO Share this:TwitterFacebook
A peculiar look on NEETs August 3, 2015 NEET stands for ‘Not in Education, Employment and Training’ and Holy Rood RC High School film makers chose our work in this area as… Share this:TwitterFacebook