Publication: an handbook with the main tools for training November 20, 2016 Share this:TwitterFacebook
Booklet for youth workers working with NEET young people September 3, 2016 RESPOND TO YOUR NEETS! was an Erasmus+ KA1 training course, which aimed to reach the following objectives: Following ‘The overall objectives of the renewed… Share this:TwitterFacebook
EUROFUND REPORT – Exploring the diversity of NEETs August 30, 2016 Youth unemployment, and the question of how to effectively engage as many of Europe’s younpeople as possible in the world of work, has been… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Youth Employment in Developing Countries April 28, 2016 Youth employment and development A youth focus within the employment and development debate, including the post-2015 agenda, is warranted for a number of key… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Youth matters: Equipping vulnerable young people with literacy and life skills March 24, 2016 The global youth challenge There are more than one billion young people worldwide aged between 15 and 24, representing the largest cohort that has… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Accredition of prior learning as a lever for lifelong learning February 6, 2016 Accredition of prior learning as a lever for lifelong learning | UNESCO Share this:TwitterFacebook
Perspectives on designing the competence based curriculum February 6, 2016 Perspectives on designing the competence based curriculum Share this:TwitterFacebook
Lignes directrices européennes pour la validation des acquis non formels et informels February 6, 2016 Lignes directrices européennes pour la Validation des acquis non formels et informels | Cedefop Share this:TwitterFacebook
The validation challenge February 6, 2016 The Validation Challenge. how close is Europe to recognising all learning? | Cedefop Share this:TwitterFacebook