Adapting methodologies, techniques and tools for intervention with young in NEET situation August 3, 2016 In Covilhã, Young HIGHLY Forum, held at the premises of Coolabora in day 29 of July the workshop “Energize the actions for young people”… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Open Audit session took place in Smolyan July 21, 2016 On May 20 took place in Smolyan, Bulgaria, the Open Audit session attended by 27 representatives of labour market offices, career guidance centers, agency… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Open Audit organized by the Working Group of Roma Tre July 20, 2016 On 19 May 2016 a meeting was held concerning the project activities O4 / A2 Open Audit with young people in each country and… Share this:TwitterFacebook