Open Audit session took place in Smolyan

On May 20 took place in Smolyan, Bulgaria, the Open Audit session attended by 27  representatives of labour market offices, career guidance centers, agency of social assistance, centre for community support, disability alliance, youth workers, youth mediator, young people and NGOs staff.

  • Agenda: Introducing COMWORK project and the developed products within the project. Open discussion
  • Tools: presentation, world café, discussion,

During the Open Audit within ComWork project we talked about NEET phenomenon – young people, who are not in education, employment or training. The aim was to gather together young people and professionals, who are working with youth and NEETs. They all could share their opinions about the existing services and how they could be changed in a way that are satisfying young people’s needs.

On the event ComWork project was presented and all the representatives were introduced to project’s aims, target groups, developed intellectual products. Existing programmes and measures for young people were introduced so that youth at the event could be aware of the existing services.


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