The Open Audit by Laboratorio was held May 26, 2016 in Formello, Province of Rome, at the youth center “Il Cantiere” Cooperative Sinergie.
The Youth Aggregation Center, which opened in November 2008, was created with the aim of creating a space where, discussion and socialization for young residents in the territory. The Center offers several free activities: study, recovery and school enhancement, juggling workshops, theatrical, artistic and manuals. Young people can take advantage of recreational and recreational moments to share with peers, from listening to music to watching movies. The center is attended by students from children between 11 and 17 years for the afternoon activities and boys between 18 and 25 years also for evening activities.
The Open Audit working Group was composed of 1 Lead 2 observers Laboratory, 4 specialized educators of Soc. Coop. Social Synergies, 2 girls in the civil service, 4 children who attend and / or have attended the center.