NEET by country of birth

The indicator of young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) corresponds to the percentage of the population aged 15–29 who are not employed and not involved in further education or training.

Over a seven-year period, from 2007 to 2013 (see Figure 1), the proportion of young people NEET in the EU-28 increased significantly. On average, the share of EU-born young people NEET in 2013 was 4.8 pp higher than the share in 2007. Young migrants recorded even higher rate increases than non-migrants, with NEET rates increasing by 2.6 pp for young non-migrants from 2007, and by 5.6 pp for young people born in a non-EU country. Furthermore, there was a considerable gap among young people by country of birth which increased through time: in 2007 the difference in NEET rates between migrant and non-migrant young people was 7.4 pp but in 2013 it had reached 10.0 pp.

As can be seen in Table 1, the reliability of data for the non-EU-born and EU-born foreign population is often low, mainly due to the small sample size of the reference population. However, taking into account the foreign-born population as a whole, the highest shares of young migrants NEET in 2013 were found in Greece (43.8 %), Croatia (37.0 %), Italy (35.7 %) and Slovenia (31.0 %). In contrast, Denmark (10.5 %), Luxembourg (10.7 %), Sweden (12.2 %), the Czech Republic (12.6 %) and the Netherlands (15.6 %) observed the lowest shares of young migrants NEET.

source: Eurostat

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