Final meeting in Rome was a success November 8, 2016 The Aula Vulpi auditorium at the University Roma Tre, Dipartimento dli Scienze della Formazione was crowed of students and other people to attend the… Share this:TwitterFacebook
The growing challenge of youth at risk October 8, 2016 The share of young people in France not in education, employment or training (NEET) has risen in recent years. 1.8 million young people are… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Peer Review in Observal Platform June 29, 2016 As has been reported in the Comwork project activities are underway some initiatives that aim to gather ideas and proposals from various quarters (social… Share this:TwitterFacebook
We need your experience March 13, 2016 1. What is a Peer Review? 2. Why are we doing it in… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Matching Skills and Jobs March 2, 2016 Matching Skills and Jobs provides a series of indicators on skills and labour market mismatches. Skills related indicators allow you to gauge the extent… Share this:TwitterFacebook
j – Template for National Research February 9, 2016 j – Template for National Research Share this:TwitterFacebook