c – Press release, leaflet and print materials (Final Learning Unit) and USB

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NEET stands for Not in Education, Employment or Training. This phenomenon puts at risk the social and economic development of States and the future of one generation of young people.

Why do young people has lost their motivation, ambition, desire to study or work?

Is this the system or this is their attitude?

Do the reality offers but they deny, or the reality doesn’t really corresponds to their needs, and some has taken the decision to stay aside and not participate?

Various questions, different opinions, individual stories behind every young person who is not involved in any kind of educational, training or work activities.. The term NEET is associated to mainly young people at age 15 to 29. The numbers speaks for themselves: 24,7% in Bulgaria, Italy – 23,9%, Spain 22,6%, Portugal – 15,9% (data taken from ESTAT 2013).

The issue is very complex and there are many measures which ought to be, and are already launched. Different programs at national level in individual countries, Youth Guarantee across the EU countries, ERASMUS+ at EU level try to tackle the phenomenon.

COM_WORK. Exchanging practices for recognize and validate competences of social and educational professionals is an ERASMUS+ funded project with partners from 4 EU countries – Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and Portugal with Italian leading organization University Roma Tre, The project will last 2 years and it focuses on the professionals from educational and social sector whereas the goal is to develop a Guidance and Training model for recognition and validation of social and educational professional competences.

For this purpose the project in its initial phase is compiling a EU comparative analyses which gives us state of the art and let us further develop materials.

A Guidance and Training Model and Learning Unit for recognition and validation of non-formal and informal competences of social and educational professionals will be developed.

The project is run in cooperation with number of professionals and institutions from all partner countries, all taking part in the initial research through focus groups, interviews and discussions.

During the lifetime of the project, COMWORK will find and share the key competences for educational and social professionals which are useful in the work with NEET.

Wide spread of information of project development and promotion of the results will be presented to policy makers, companies and stakeholders.


Exchanging practices to recognize and validate competences of social and educational professionalsCOMWORK is an international participatory research project. In each country (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria) we analyse needs and practices in the training of professionals working with NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training).Social and educational workers are key figures for many inclusion and employability policies success, with particular attention to those who are engaged in services dealing with NEET.NEETS are nowadays important beneficiaries of the EU resources and recipients of several professional services.


 COMWORK aims to

  • disseminate the application of competence analysis model in social work field;
  • share the model with policy makers and companies;
  • promote the use of European tools to recognize competences;
  • develop a Guidance and Training Model for recognize and validate competences of social and educational professionals
  • produce a Learning Unit for informal and non-formal competences of socio-educational professionals dealing with NEETS



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