The National Capacity Building was held on 21 October 2016 in Lisbon at the House of Social Rights December 20, 2016 It was attended by 38 representatives of organizations that work with youth in neighborhoods of Priority Intervention and aimed to incorporate the work developed… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Communication and Social media in Comwork Project December 18, 2016 A lot of tools have been mobilized to organize all the information and the dissemination actions in wich all the partners were involved. COMMUNICATION… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Publication: an handbook with the main tools for training November 20, 2016 Share this:TwitterFacebook
Several tools for an active dissemination November 20, 2016 Tools created for an active dissemination are in printed, usb-device and online format. Share this:TwitterFacebook
Outcomes and tools available on Comwork Toolbox site November 20, 2016 The Toolbox is organized in terms of a best-using process for those who want to mobilize the resources for local projects about young in… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Final meeting in Rome was a success November 8, 2016 The Aula Vulpi auditorium at the University Roma Tre, Dipartimento dli Scienze della Formazione was crowed of students and other people to attend the… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Final meeting in Rome 28 October October 12, 2016 The final meeting of Comwork project will be in Rome at Universitá Degli Studi Roma Tre. Take a look to the Program. FINAL… Share this:TwitterFacebook
The growing challenge of youth at risk October 8, 2016 The share of young people in France not in education, employment or training (NEET) has risen in recent years. 1.8 million young people are… Share this:TwitterFacebook
Booklet for youth workers working with NEET young people September 3, 2016 RESPOND TO YOUR NEETS! was an Erasmus+ KA1 training course, which aimed to reach the following objectives: Following ‘The overall objectives of the renewed… Share this:TwitterFacebook